We are not just passive investors

We specialize in software. We have the operational expertise to provide active management to help companies grow post acquisition.

We have a long-term focus

Our goal is to buy, and help build companies that thrive for years to come.


Bellwoods Strategic Capital has a dedicated focus to the software Industry. We have expertise in completing acquisitions but more importantly we excel at providing software-industry-specific management and stewardship post acquisition. Our hands-on, metric driven approach is proven to lead to consistent, long-term success.

We believe in the 3-principles to success:

  1. Acquire well
  2. Treat people right
  3. Have a long-term focus
  • Aquire Well

    In Software, success is largely determined at time of purchase. Being highly selective is critical.

  • Treat People Right

    In Software, if you’re responsive to your customers you’ll inspire loyalty. If you support your employees, you’ll retain top talent.

  • Have a long term focus

    In software, investing the time and capital up front to create stable quality will result in dependable returns for years to come.